Finding the motivation

This daily struggle to find the energy to do something, anything, for just me, is getting to be just down right defeating. Getting out of the house for a 15 minute walk is like moving a mountain. Sure, I could probably pack up the kids and push the stroller, but have you ever tried to dress two active boys in snow and wind gear, and then had to undress the recently potty trained toddler, only to have to redress and drag them both out the door? Then come the cries for juice and snacks for the walk…and demands that we bring a dog along… and on and on, and by the time I actually get to the end of the driveway, it’s someone’s nap time, or I have to pee, or a million other things go south. Whine, much? But it sucks. It truly does. I get a lot more out of 15 minutes by myself than an hour of this struggle, both in calories burned and a much needed break.

My Fitbit arrived in the mail today, sparking some interest and motivation to take more steps, even around the house. I love how it syncs to my food tracker on my phone and really gets down to the minute on calories burned.

I signed up for a 12 week nutrition course in Portsmouth called Chose Your Weight, or something like that. It was very reasonable ($150 for 12 weeks!) and each class is something new, plus I can use their gym for free. This coming week is a session with their metabolism finding machine, which usually costs $100 by itself, so I’m excited to see what’s going on in there.

I have to start somewhere.

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One response to “Finding the motivation

  1. spottedimages

    I am adoring your blog! Seriously, I need to find a way to be honest. Truly honest and I think you have nailed it šŸ™‚

    Good luck with your Fitbit! If you need some trail suggestions (or have questions about the maps) let me know. If you get two hours to escape, Northwood State Park is wonderful!

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