Something New

Day 6- When is the last time you did something new?

This morning I took B to Story Time at the library. I don’t know why we haven’t done this before, probably a combination of shyness (on my part) nap schedules (on his part) and a general lack of motivation. I think I was expecting a small group of people that would welcome us in with wide open arms, a kind of homecoming because I LOVE the library in general, and of course I thought that I’d come away with 10 new best friends. None of this happened.

We arrived on time and followed the crowd of toddler toting moms into a large room that was packed with people. There were large numbers of volunteer pre-teen girls hanging around the edges of the room and two librarians ready to get the party started. We plopped down on a square of rug and within minutes the music and dancing began. At story time? It so much more than that! There were songs, books, songs and books together, dancing, and craft time at the end!

He really just wanted to drink the paint water, and then he spilled it all over the floor. Being the responsible mother that I am, I allowed this to happen so I could photograph it.

So that was our new adventure of the day. No new friends yet, but hey, it’s a start.


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3 responses to “Something New

  1. Sounds like fun! If you keep at it, you’ll probably find friends eventually. Once I had a kid, I discovered the secret to finding friends was just showing up over and over and over.

  2. Vee

    Great pic! I hope you make some pals there soon. I left it too late and found our storytime group already well bonded without me, thanks, but other groups have been great.

  3. aw, he looks like a lil bumble bee in those stripes!

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